ISU Women's Club Scholarships
ISU Women's Club has awarded over $300,000 in scholarships to ISU students. Each year, $12,000 is awarded in student scholarships through the fundraising of this club.
The famous ISU Holiday Fair exists each Fall through the hard work and dedication of the Women's Club and sponsoring vendors/ISU departments. All funds raised are used to support the mission of the club.
ISU Scholarship Lunch. Allows the club members and scholarship recipients to come together for a year end celebration. The lunch is another fundraiser for scholarships and allows the scholarship recipients to share their stories and for all attendees to participate in a fun filled atmosphere at the Performing Arts Center with lunch, recipient speeches, and raffle prizes.

Join us for the annual ISU Women's Club
Scholarship Lunch
September 14, 2024.
College of Technology Student
The ISU Women's Club College of Technology Scholarship is awarded to a student in any class level within the College of Technology. Must have a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA. Recipients will be asked to attend a scholarship luncheon in the Fall of the academic year disbursement. Recipients willl be asked to share their story and planned career goals.
ISU Employee Child
The ISU Women's Club Employee Child Scholarship is awarded to a student in any class level and any major who is a child of a full-time ISU Employee. Must have a minimum of 2.0 cumulative GPA. Recipients will be asked to attend a scholarship luncheon in the Fall of the academic year disbursement. Recipients willl be asked to share their story and planned career goals.
ISU Sophomore
The ISU Women's Club Sophomore Scholarship is awarded to a student in any major who will be a junior in the Fall semester of the Fall academic year disbursement. Must have a minimum of 2.0 cumulative GPA. Recipients will be asked to attend a scholarship luncheon in the Fall of the academic year disbursement. Recipients willl be asked to share their story and planned career goals.
ISU Graduate Student
The ISU Women's Club Graduate Scholarship is awarded to a Graduate Student. Must have a minimum 3.0 GPA. A student receiving a Graduate or Research Assistanship/Fellowship are NOT eligible for this scholarship. Recipeints will be asked to attend a scholarship luncheon to share their story and planned career goals.
*Note: Scholarships are awarded to any gender.